Captain Beefheart & The Magic Band Loughborough University, Student Union Bar Loughborough, UK 15 November 1980 -------------------- Set list: 01 Hair Pie: Bake III [2:49] 02 Nowadays A Woman's Gotta Hit A Man [3:52] 03 Abba Zaba [3:46] 04 Hot Head [4:19] 05 Ashtray Heart [3:36] 06 Dirty Blue Gene [4:36] 07 Best Batch Yet [5:22] 08 Safe As Milk [4:05] 09 Flavor Bud Living [1:44] 10 Her Eyes Are A Blue Million Miles [3:35] 11 One Red Rose That I Mean [2:22] 12 Untitled Poem [2:30] > cut / tape change 13 Doctor Dark [2:55] > cuts in 14 Bat Chain Puller [5:28] 15 Band Introduction [1:24] 16 Old Fart At Play [2:08] 17 My Human Gets Me Blues [3:43] 18 Sugar 'N Spikes [3:17] 19 Sheriff Of Hong Kong [7:27] 20 Suction Prints [5:07] 21 Big Eyed Beans From Venus [4:42] Total time: 78.56 min Quality: 9/10 -------------------- Lineup: Don Van Vliet - vocals, tenor saxophone, soprano saxophone, chinese gongs Eric Drew Feldman - bass guitar, synthesizer, mandolin, mellotron, electric piano Richard Snyder - guitar, slide guitar, bass guitar (Track 11) Jeff Moris Tepper - guitar, slide guitar Robert Williams - drums, percussion Gary Lucas - poetry (Track 12), guitar "National Steel Duolian" (Track 09) -------------------- Lineage: AUD > Tape (probably 2nd gen) > Wavelab > WAV > TLH (FLAC Level 8) -------------------- Comments: For me it's a great pleasure to hear these later Beefheart gigs from 1980 and 1981. Here is one from London 1980. Sound quality is excellent audience, stereo. You will be in the room when hearing this gig. Highly recommended. Steve Gough: Favourite gig? Captain Beefheart at Loughborough Uni student's union in 82? The year Reagan got in anyway - The Cap'n drawled "are ya ready for Reagan?" followed by a sinister chuckle. Awesome night. (UKC Rocktalk Forum) Dave Lang: I have to agree that live was the best experience, if only because of the tremendous personalities of the various magic band members, the whole band oozed charisma and the cap'n especially. I also agree that the Jeff Morris Tepper band kicked ass, I thoroughly enjoyed the 1980 show I saw at Loughborough, tremendous playing. (Fire Party) Geoff Geddes: By 1980 technology had moved on and the Loughborough tape is of excellent audience tape quality (B+?), the good atmosphere at this show is evident and the nature of the small Loughborough Student Union Bar make the music sound loud and effective. Audience noise is limited to people pushing through to the bar at the back of the room 'scuse me, scuse me' etc. You can also hear our discussions between numbers but these could easily be edited out. The audience was split between Beefheart fans who had come from all over the East Midlands to see their man and the regular student union crowd who would turn up on any Saturday night to drink at the bar and 'listen' to who ever happened to be playing. Even in 1980 there must of been a ten to twenty year age gap between the two halves of the audience. Being students they have tendency to show off and offer scant regard to any act that happened to be on. However it is wonderful to hear how the Captain won over this audience, helped by the glowers and threatening looks of the true fans who did not want some nerdy young students wrecking the set. The Captain was treated with due respect and given a rousing greeting when he came on stage, you can here him remark "Better than London". The students were a bit bemused by the poetry, this was not exactly ZZ Top and they found it difficult to concentrate, note the shout of "Who shot JR?" during the reading, an interesting contemporary reference since the Dallas Series was the big TV talking point in the UK at this time. The music is wonderful, full of energy and invention. „Sugar 'N Spikes“ is outstanding, I think it is my favorite version of this number. At the time I thought it not as good as previous gigs I had been to but this was just the jaded view of a long time fan still missing Rocket Morton and the old Magic Band. With the passing of the years the tape now sounds just fine to me. -------------------- Seeded by hothcanada to = 17 May 2008 Seeded by Pittylabelle to and updated to Zappateers standards = 23 March 2021