CAPTAIN BEEFHEART / DON VAN VLIET 1973-03-04 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Private Interview " The Restaurant Interview " with Gary Barclay. tracks. 01. pt. 1 02. pt. 2 03. pt. 3 Total Time Approx 94 minutes Unknown (low) Gen Maxell XLII-S Tape > Sony TC-WE805S Deck > TDK DA-3826 > CD-R > PC > Wav > Traders Little Helper Flac level 8 > dimeadozen transfer - mcchocchoc Recorded in a Restaurant . . . overall the sound is great on this. As the first tracks moves along you will hear the backround chatter of other people in the place get louder . . while still being able to hear the conversation. They end up moving to a more quiet section of the place for the second half of the tape. This one is really something ! Enjoy. thanks to Don Van Vliet & Gary Barclay. upped at dimeadozen on August 20, 2010. NEVER FOR SALE / FREE / TRADE ALWAYS & ONLY.